Thinking About Speaking
I am a professional speech coach for people who speak English with the influence of another language. In this newsletter, I write about strategies and resources for pronunciation and how to improve spoken communication skills. I also give updates about what I’m working on and the book that I’ve been writing about accent modification. You can learn more about what I do on my website: Adastra Speech.
I host two weekly Meetups: American English Pronunciation and American English Intonation. The people that come to the Meetups are motivated and dedicated and ask really good questions. You’re welcome to join us or watch the videos on my YouTube channel that I make after each meeting so people can review the pronunciation and intonation that we practiced. I’ll be writing on topics that they ask about and have started a discussion here so anyone can submit questions and I hope you do.
I created a free guide for the first steps to take to improve English speaking and listening skills that you can download here. It provides a foundation for creating a practice plan and speaking opportunities.
Ask Questions
I have enjoyed the interaction the Meetups have and hope that interaction can continue in the written form through this newsletter. Please comment and ask questions to let me know what you’d like to learn more about.
Be part of a community of people who share the goal of communicating clearly in English as a second/additional language. Subscribing to receive frequent posts about speech skills is a way to remind you to keep focusing on your progress and improvement.
See you in your in-box,